At Rebel Rebel we create a wide variety of bouquets and floral arrangements, there's something for everyone. Over time we have developed our own individual style as shown in this extensive portfolio of our work. It's hard to capture their true beauty in a photograph but we hope we’ve done our best! We always use the best seasonal flowers at that time of yea. You can visit our Mare Street Market Shop or if you would like to discuss flowers for an upcoming event or project, please call Athena or Mairead on 020 7254 4487 or email

At Rebel Rebel we create a wide variety of bouquets and floral arrangements, there's something for everyone. Over time we have developed our own unique and individual style, as shown in this extensive portfolio of our work. It's hard to capture their true beauty in a photograph but we hope we’ve done our best! We always use the best seasonal flowers at that time of yea. You can visit our Mare Street Market Shop or if you would like to discuss flowers for an upcoming event or project, please call Athena or Mairead on 020 7254 4487 or email